The past few years have been especially difficult for medical staff. So it’s understandable that you may feel worn out or have negative thoughts at times.
Our thoughts can run our lives. Whether we’re thinking positively or negatively, thoughts can have a direct impact on how we feel and even what we do. However, to stay motivated in your work and to avoid burnout, it’s essential to have more control over our thoughts and focus on positivity. But, of course, that’s easier said than done. So, in this blog post, we discuss some tips and tricks to help you say goodbye to negativity.
Be aware of your thoughts
Check in with yourself periodically. See where your thoughts are leading. How are they making you feel? Are they negative or positive? Being aware of your thoughts can help you know when there is a problem and when it’s time to do something about it.
Trash those negative thoughts
The idea here is to take those negative thoughts that are spinning in your head and put them on paper. Once you’ve written them down, you can ball up the piece of paper and throw it in the garbage. It helps you clear your head and incorporates a physical element so you can literally leave your negative thoughts behind.
Take time to focus on positivity
When you have a negative thought, take control. For example, you may have forgotten to write a note on your patient’s file yesterday. Instead of dwelling on this mistake and spiraling, take control of the situation. Own the mistake and then focus on the teachable moment. Maybe from the situation, you can learn to set aside 10 extra minutes each afternoon to double-check your notes.
Stay grateful
We often take things for granted, but being grateful can increase your happiness. If you take time every day to list the things you’re thankful for, you’re more likely to have a positive mindset. Try listing three positive things that happened the day before bed each night.
Working out allows you to mentally process what you’ve been going through and clear your mind while getting fit. Plus, the endorphins it releases can make you feel happier. Even just taking 10 minutes a day can improve your well-being. Try taking a walk during lunch.
Don’t let negativity take over your mind. A positive mindset can do wonders for your overall wellbeing and can help you continue to do your best at work each day.