You may be worried you can’t afford a recall service, especially if you have a small practice or if you’re just starting out. But the truth is, this is one expense that can actually save you money in the long run – by saving you time. Here’s how a recall service can put extra dollars in your pocket.
It saves your patients time
Many patients avoid going to the doctor because of the time it takes checking insurance, making appointments, et cetera. With a recall service, that’s never an issue. And when there’s less hassle for patients, there are more patients checking in.
It saves your staff time
Studies show it takes three to five minutes for people to get their concentration back to previous levels they had on a task each time they are interrupted. Now, imagine each phone call to or from a patient as one of those interruptions on each of your staff members. Add up all those three to five minutes over the course of each day, week and month. It equals hours upon hours of lost time – and revenue.
It saves you time
Tired of being interrupted by routine phone calls during office hours? What about after hours, when you have to return a mountain of calls before you can even think about returning home? With a recall service, a large percentage of that problem vanishes, leaving you time for more lucrative appointments – or leisure.