Your little one is likely the most important person in your life. That’s why choosing the right doctor for their care is so important.
Within the first year of your baby’s life, you will be visiting the doctor’s office a minimum of six times. So, the last thing you want to do is work with someone you don’t fully trust.
Some parents start searching for the right physician even before they conceive. Still, many start the search during pregnancy and make their final choice close to the final trimester.
Generally, the most popular choice is a pediatrician. Since these physicians specialize in the care of children, they have a more in-depth knowledge of what a baby needs. They are also experts on children’s health issues.
Whether you ask your obstetrician or midwife, view a hospital-provided list, or use a referral provided by your primary care physician, there are a number of ways you can land on the doctor who is right for you and your child.
The American Academy of Pediatrics also provides a list of certified practitioners on their website,
Finally, you’ll want to answer the following questions before settling on a doctor for your child:
• Does your child respond well to the doctor?
• Does it appear that the doctor enjoys treating your child?
• Does the doctor seem knowledgeable?
• Is the doctor responsive to your questions?
• Is the office staff patient, helpful, and responsive?
• How long are the wait times?
By keeping these questions and tips in mind, you’re sure to find the doctor that suits your child with minimal heartache or stress.