Treating patients with respect, patience and understanding is fundamental to a successful healthcare experience for all parties involved. At the core of this experience is clear and effective communication.
Sounds simple enough, right? In truth... (Read More)
Do you believe that your skills, intelligence and abilities can be developed over time? Or do you believe that your talents are mostly fixed, meaning that if you're not really good at something now, you probably won't ever be great at it?
These... (Read More)
Perhaps thanks to TV drama, it's becoming a bit of a cliche´: the tired young doctor sneaking a few minutes of precious sleep in a broom closet. TV trope or not, it's true. Physicians and residents simply aren't getting enough sleep, regardless of... (Read More)
Every year, it seems new technological breakthroughs become a part of the healthcare climate. And with 2022, that’s no exception.
The past year taught us a lot. We learned how to manage remote and in-person work, monitor developing changes in... (Read More)
The last year has taught us a lot. We learned how to manage remote and in-person work, monitor developing changes in vaccines, mandates and rollouts and found out how essential technology is to the healthcare field.
As the COVID pandemic... (Read More)
The past few years have been especially difficult for medical staff. So it's understandable that you may feel worn out or have negative thoughts at times.
Our thoughts can run our lives. Whether we're thinking positively or negatively, thoughts... (Read More)
Sometimes, the truth is right there in front of us, but we don't know how to confront it. For example, treating patients with patience, respect and understanding is fundamental to healthcare. Sounds easy enough, right?
As data, metrics and... (Read More)
The last two years have ushered in tremendous change in the health care industry. And more changes are yet to come as the nation continues to grapple with a new chapter in the global pandemic. Here are some things to keep on your radar this... (Read More)
For the past few years, "health and wellness" has been a popular buzzphrase, and for good reason, too. As the American public moves away from unhealthy lifestyle choices, people are trying to figure out how to enhance their busy lives with quick and... (Read More)