If you surveyed your customers, what would they say about your practice and the level of customer service you provide? Great customer service is an important part of any business and plays a large role in creating loyal customers. It's simple: A... (Read More)
Perhaps thanks to TV drama, it's becoming a bit of a cliche´: the tired young doctor sneaking a few minutes of precious sleep in a broom closet. TV trope or not, it's true. Physicians simply aren't getting enough sleep, regardless of their age or... (Read More)
Your employees are productive and do everything you tell them to do. But are they happy? Will they work as hard as they can and stick with you or will they leave at the next opportunity? Gallup research shows that the majority of U.S. workers have... (Read More)
Looking around the grocery aisles these days, it's hard not to notice the rise of healthier options. Of course, "healthy" is a relative concept, with some consumers adhering to meat-based diets while others opt for plant-based, whole foods diets... (Read More)
Is your practice conducting patient satisfaction surveys? This type of feedback is critically important because it helps you better understand the patient experience — from the patient's point of view. It's a key part of delivering a top-notch... (Read More)
Chances are, someone in your family isn't a fan of going to the dentist. Chances are if you're reading this, that person may be you. Fortunately, you don't have to fear your dentist. It's all a matter of looking at things from a different... (Read More)
There is no doubt that happy employees are more productive and creative. According to a study by the Social Market Foundation and the Centre for Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy of the University of Warwick, happy employees are on average... (Read More)
It's not uncommon for people to experience the occasional bit of tummy trouble. But when the situation escalates into chronic pain or other potential emergencies, it's time to see a gastrointestinal (GI) doctor. As unpleasant as that may sound, this... (Read More)
We all know we should be using strong passwords to protect ourselves against cybercrime. But studies show that many of us are still using passwords like '123456.' That was the most-used password nationwide last year, followed by 'password,'... (Read More)