Your phones are ringing off the hook. Are you and your staff feeling the pressure? At National Recalls, we're here to help. Rather than struggling to keep up with inbound and outbound calls, we can help your staff to focus fully on the patients in... (Read More)
Sometimes, the truth is right there in front of us, but we don't know how to confront it. For example, treating patients with patience, respect and understanding is fundamental to healthcare. Sounds easy enough, right?
As data, metrics and... (Read More)
Administrative tasks are an important but time-consuming part of operating a medical practice. Appointment requests, insurance verifications, reminder and confirmation calls, patient communication and paperwork take staff time and effort. They also... (Read More)
Spend any time in doctor's offices or hospitals and you'll figure it out pretty quickly: the doctor-patient relationship is no small matter. In fact, it's one of the most important relationships there is, at times as intimate and personal as any... (Read More)
Are you attending a virtual event or two this year? Surveys show that most conferences and other traditionally in-person events nationwide this year will occur virtually at least through the third quarter. That's why we wanted to share with you some... (Read More)
It’s a health risk that doesn’t get the big-news attention of others, but blood clots can be deadly. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, blood clots affect about 900,000 Americans every year. |
A recent story from... (Read More)
If you surveyed your customers, what would they say about your practice and the level of customer service you provide? Great customer service is an important part of any business and plays a large role in creating loyal customers. It's simple: A... (Read More)
Perhaps thanks to TV drama, it's becoming a bit of a cliche´: the tired young doctor sneaking a few minutes of precious sleep in a broom closet. TV trope or not, it's true. Physicians simply aren't getting enough sleep, regardless of their age or... (Read More)
Your employees are productive and do everything you tell them to do. But are they happy? Will they work as hard as they can and stick with you or will they leave at the next opportunity? Gallup research shows that the majority of U.S. workers have... (Read More)