As your medical practice becomes more and more successful, you may see opportunities to grow your practice even more and pursue different avenues to expanding your practice. There are many ways to grow your practice, and some may be better for your practice than others. Explore and discover new ways to grow, and consider what could be right for you!
Expand and increase services offered at your practice
Different practices offer different services and specialties. It can be great to find a niche, but sometimes having too few options can result in a plateau and ultimate lack of growth opportunities. To combat this, consider expanding services offered. But, don’t just offer a bunch of random new services. Make sure to observe trends and needs of your current demographic; then try and mirror those needs with your services provided. The medical and health field is ever-changing, so always make sure you are paying attention to what shifts are occurring and where they appear to be leading. A great example of a recent shift is the shift toward mental health services. More and more Americans are reporting anxiety and depression. That tells us that mental health services are in high demand. Knowing and understanding that demand can indicate to you that it may be worthwhile for you practice to invest more in mental health services and professionals, and to communicate these new services to existing and potential clientele.
Offer current services remotely
Another option to encourage expansion is offering telehealth options. This is a great way to offer more access to your services without having to change the actual services themselves. Since the pandemic, we’ve seen a shift towards more and more remote options, so it’s smart for medical practices to follow suit. Telehealth is also a great option for those who are sick and potentially contagious to get medical advice without having to expose others and without leaving the comfort of their homes. While some medical visits must be conducted in person, many can be achieved online, and many patients would prefer to not have to come into the office. Try offering a few telehealth options, and see how it goes!
Maintain consistent communication with current clients
When looking to expand a practice, it’s important not to forget about your current patients. Be sure to follow up with your existing patients and don’t neglect the clients you have. Schedule follow-up visits directly after appointments if possible, and encourage consistent communication through emails, chats and calls. You can easily do this without adding more responsibilities to your staff by working with National Recalls. Our administrative patient services focus on increasing revenue and improving office productivity.
With these three tips, you can start scaling your practice in a sustainable way that is helpful for your patients. Try one or all of these tips and let us know how it goes!