Administrative tasks are an important but time-consuming part of operating a medical practice. Appointment requests, insurance verifications, reminder and confirmation calls, patient communication and paperwork take staff time and effort. They also can, if not handled properly, cause customer satisfaction problems. Long wait and call back times, calls that go to voicemail, problems with scheduling and insurance delays and snafus all can lead to unhappy customers or those who look elsewhere for their medical services.
That’s where we come in. At National Recalls, we offer a variety of services that will help your practice run more efficiently. One important service we provide is incoming call relief. Sending patients to voicemail isn’t a good way to build patient satisfaction. Neither is putting them on hold for a long time. Forward your incoming calls to us instead. We will gladly answer your incoming calls in any manner you desire. We can also handle a variety of customer outreach tasks, such as calling to schedule and confirm appointments.
Our services are designed to provide you with two big benefits — greater efficiency and better customer service. For example, we can call each of your patients 24 to 48 hours before their scheduled appointment to remind them of their appointment time. We will then either confirm or, if need be, reschedule. This can help you operate more efficiently by reducing the number of patient no-shows. In addition, a cancellation can open up a time slot in a timely manner for another patient who may need an appointment within the next 24 to 48 hours. It’s a win-win for you and your patients!
Do you have an idea of what your patients think of you and your office? It’s important to know. We also can conduct Patient Satisfaction Surveys as a third party to your patients. This includes a list of questions about each patient’s experience during their last visit. The outcome of each question and any additional comments are then compiled into a summary which is sent to the office and calculated as your office’s “Net Promoter Score.” This information can be useful internally or for compliance with any associations or clubs that may require this information to be actively collected and maintained. With this type of information, you can also identify any customer service challenges and take steps to address them. This can help you increase patient satisfaction and retention.
Let’s talk about how we can help your medical office and address its unique needs and challenges. Give us a call at (888) 770-3307.