Losing weight takes a lot of hard work, dedication and a commitment to changing your lifestyle. If you’ve tried various diets and weight loss trends, but still aren’t able to achieve the results you’re looking for, you may want to implement a mindfulness practice like meditation into your daily routine.
A growing body of research confirms that mindfulness practice can help address the mind-body connection in a surprisingly effective manner. Here are three specific ways mindfulness practice can impact your weight loss efforts:
Mindfulness practice can help curb cravings. You know the feeling. You’re sitting on the couch winding down for bed when all of a sudden your stomach chimes in asking for a bag of potato chips or a pint of ice cream. If you’re used to sabotaging yourself, it’s easy to head for the pantry and satisfy those needs, but mindfulness practice can help you think twice. You see, meditation teaches you to provide space for yourself when making decisions. Taking a few extra seconds to mull things over may be the assistance you need to make a better, healthier decision.
Mindfulness practice can help you savor your meals. When you’re on a diet, it isn’t always easy to enjoy your food. Have you ever been eating a salad, only to find yourself daydreaming about a big, juicy burger? This is surprisingly common. Mindfulness practice can help you focus on the moment at hand, and savor what you’re doing. Whether you’re eating salad or drinking an antioxidant smoothie, try focusing on the flavors and experience of eating. This simple change in mindset can help you feel more in control.
Mindfulness practice can help you focus on your goals. Losing weight is an uphill struggle. It’s easy to feel discouraged or hopeless. Mindfulness practice can help fortify your resolve and assist you in focusing on the goal at hand. Think about the kind of person you dream of being. What do you see your ideal you doing? What do they eat? How do they exercise? Asking yourself these questions and picturing the future, healthier you in your mind’s eye can help you stay committed to the goal at hand.