It’s no secret — America’s population is aging. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, older Americans (65 and older) will outnumber children under 18 for the first time ever by 2035. A longer, healthy life is now a higher possibility than ever before with proper care and health monitoring. This means taking action before you reach age 65. Here are a few of the health exams you should schedule in your 50s and beyond.
Colon Cancer Screening
All adults should schedule a colon cancer screening on or before their fiftieth birthday. Colon cancer screening is usually done through a colonoscopy. This exam consists of a visual examination of your colon with a scope. However, you can ask your doctor about noninvasive colon cancer screening options. Experts recommend this test at age 50 because of the earlier onset of colon cancer.
Bone Density Test
Women over the age of 50 should consider a bone density test. A bone density test determines your bone mineral content to help identify your risk for osteoporosis and bone fractures. This test is especially important for women at increased risk, those who have broken bones in the past and women of Caucasian and Asian descent.
Hearing exam
Hearing is a vital part of your health. With noise pollution and the increased use of personal speakers, monitoring your hearing health is vital. Experts recommend a hearing test at the age of 50 and every three years after that.
This certainly is not a comprehensive list. It is intended to help you start a conversation with your primary care physician. Talk to yours about other recommended screenings and the steps you can take now for healthy aging.